Better Homes And Gardens Special Interest Publications Roasted

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No matter how simple it seems, or how complex, it's almost always delicious. I was absolutely delighted to have this one to read – dedicated to baking from the best? Yes, please. Their traditional kitchen and timeless techniques are covered in detail within these pages. They go through everything in their basics, each page a large picture with writing over it, many times with additional pictures. Everything from lining pans with different items to all the types of sugars, chocolates, and extra ingredients. They even show four pictures and instructions each on every way of mixing and blending baking ingredients.
Thinking the instructions weren't fancy enough, even the recipe pages are decorated with background photos and art. It's awesome, really. I wonder how their chocolate chip cookie recipe measures up to my beloved tollhouse cookie recipe? I'm especially curious to try the Soft Maple Sugar cookies! I'm so picky on sugar cookies already but these look delicious. Maple icing too? Yum!
I love their chapter on decorated cakes, especially the make-it-mine mini birthday cake ideas and cheeseburger ice cream cake. I have made a Big Mac cake before but never with ice cream. The burger part turns out to be the chocolate ice cream and the fries are part of the food. How great does this look?? Their cakes are all easy to do without having to purchase special molds, which is a nice change for some fancy, creative cakes such as the lollipop one.
It's normal – and I expected – for them to have chapters on stuff like cakes, cookies, pies and tarts, but I didn't expect an entire chapter on Cheesecakes, one of the more difficult items to make. Excellent. Good grief, cheesecake is rich enough, I think the Chocolate Peanut Butter cheesecake should almost be illegal! They had my favorite, and I kept searching for it, a Pumpkin Cheesecake. But theirs is with Sugar Pepitas, and I really have no idea what that is. It looks like something you make (they give you a recipe for it), but I think I'd rather have it without.
My favorite section ended up being "Coffee Shop." Not because I want to make these for coffee, but because I have an obsession with baby desserts and having them with tea and for tea parties. I've found some of the most delicious recipes in the world doing that, trust me. The ones they have here are pretty good too and in the same vein, although I suppose they use the title coffee shop since that's the more popular drink.
Did all my mom's recipes from the book make the cut and carry through? Sadly, no. For the size of the book they of course can't fit all the recipes in there that were in the original. Plus, there are more than triple the pictures and detailed instructions in this edition. I did spot her banana bread, using all purpose of course as before, but they've now added the twist of cinnamon. I missed the sight of her other Christmas classics, but at least I have her recipes handed down for those.
Overall a great recipe/dessert book from a cookbook publisher I trust. Since it's baking, they of course don't have it filled with the newer, modern low fat editions. They do make a note at the beginning on ways you can cut down on fat in any recipe you create at home, which is to me more useful than just providing it in the recipes themselves. This leaves the option for the creator.
The most intriguing, unusual recipe I found that looks delicious, a bit difficult, and to wow people: Opera cake.
I did a few of them together with my 10 year old daughter and we had great fan choosing the recepie and later eating our cookies ;)

Not all of us grew up with a stay at home mother who passed down all her knowledge. As such, it's been frustrating trying to learn to cook/bake with little or no foundation knowledge. There is so much more to a recipe than just following directions - and this book lays it all out in an easy-to-read format.
I have been looking for a book like this for a long time - something that gives all the basics, techniques, tips as well as traditional favorite recipes (and a few surprise ones) in one volume.Not all of us grew up with a stay at home mother who passed down all her knowledge. As such, it's been frustrating trying to learn to cook/bake with little or no foundation knowledge. There is so much more to a recipe than just following directions - and this book lays it all out in an easy-to-read format. It's one of the best resources for everything baking - blessedly simple recipes, tips, how to fix problem baked goods, techniques, and best of all, images for nearly every recipe or technique covered.
I especially like that it is so easy to read that it is perfect for my 10 year old and I to do together. No weird exotic ingredients, 30+ steps, 100 ingredient recipes. Just your standard recipes (good old chocolate chip cookies), more modern recipes (snickerdoodles), and some fun original ones (peach pie lollipops!!).
Although I received this as an ARC from the publisher, I will be buying two copies as soon as it is released - one for me and one for my sister's family.
Highest recommendation for those who want easy to use recipes of traditional favorites that kids and husbands love.
More Than 350 Recipes Plus Tips and Techniques
Better Homes and Gardens
WOW, I loved this book, even though, we shouldn't be eating all of this delicious stuff. This book has "everything" you need to know to whip up some delicious and lovely treats.
The chapters are divided up as follows: techniques; cookoes; bars and brownies; cakes and cupcakes; cheesecakes; down home desserts; artisan breads; quick breads; morning favorites; coffee shop items; holiday baking and
Better Homes and Gardens Baking:More Than 350 Recipes Plus Tips and Techniques
Better Homes and Gardens
WOW, I loved this book, even though, we shouldn't be eating all of this delicious stuff. This book has "everything" you need to know to whip up some delicious and lovely treats.
The chapters are divided up as follows: techniques; cookoes; bars and brownies; cakes and cupcakes; cheesecakes; down home desserts; artisan breads; quick breads; morning favorites; coffee shop items; holiday baking and weekend baking.
What I loved was that the instructions for each recipe are easy to understand, are presented beautifully (great photos) and like other BH&G Cookbooks, it's easy to be a success in the kitchen.
A few of the recipes I jotted down at first glace were: a classic carrot cake recipe, Bourbon chocolate Tipsy Cake, Island Bananas Foster and a white chocolate and almond pound cake. That is just the beginning though, there are so many other recipes that are worth trying.
ARC from Netgalley
Awesome book that includes from bread to brownies. May become my favourite baking cook book. Included tips and beginning basics for new bakers or great for those who don't bake often. Wide, nice selection of a variety of baking goods. It'll come out just in time for the holidays.ARC from Netgalley

I also appreciated the technique tips along the way.
I definitely will not make a lot of these but I will definitely try some of these.

Most things I made out of here turned out good. There are still a handful of recipes I'd like to try at some point in the future like sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, brownies, popovers, and so on. My favorites that I baked from here are the chocolate muffins and sandwich cookies.
The book itself is a heavy hardcover with lots of color photos that take up a whole page.
I purchased this book myself.
See my baking images here.
Most things I made out of here turned out good. There are still a handful of recipes I'd like to try at some point in the future like sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, brownies, popovers, and so on. My favorites that I baked from here are the chocolate muffins and sandwich cookies.
The book itself is a heavy hardcover with lots of color photos that take up a whole page.
I purchased this book myself.
See my baking images here.
It might be easier to try and work out what this book does not deliver. It starts with a great, informative section about the baking basics, explaining how all of the ingredients can work together and how you can maximise the impact of a recipe as well as teaching you many hints, tips and
Do you like any of the following: cookies, brownies, cakes, pies, breads…? If so this is a book that you might lust over and be rather hungry as you browse through the mass of pages in this extremely thick book.It might be easier to try and work out what this book does not deliver. It starts with a great, informative section about the baking basics, explaining how all of the ingredients can work together and how you can maximise the impact of a recipe as well as teaching you many hints, tips and short-cuts of how to become a baking pro. Great photography, clearly written text and a sheer mass of information draws you in, possibly overloading your senses in the process, whilst you are browsing through this book. Even if you think you know the basics, perhaps you should take the time to read it anyway as it might teach you a new wrinkle or possibly correct a bad practice..
The attention to detail within the recipes is impressive. Nearly everything you could want is included here: a clear estimated preparation and cooking time, nutritional information, simple, jargon-free text and a feeling that you can achieve everything if you just try. About the only oddity is the lack of dual U.S. imperial and metric measures - using a conversion table is no solution. You cannot fail to make a very long "shortlist" of things to try and this book could easily become a firm, eventually dog-eared and food-splattered companion in your kitchen.
The range of recipes is very impressive too. Of course, when you become hooked to this baking lark you will want even more books as it is a disease, yet if you set out to just bake everything from this book you will be busy for a very, very long time. Best not to think about the waistline though.
One hopes that the index at the end of the book is similarly as comprehensive and overwhelming as everything else has been but this pre-release review copy did not feature the promised index so no opinion can be given over this rather critical thing. With this book's size and sheer wealth of recipes and information, a good index is an essential thing to have!
A book like this does manage to show you, without being patronising, that you can and will manage to make things that would not look out of place in a high-end bake shop. Maybe the bigger risk is that your family and friends won't believe that you did make what you serve up in front of them ?
Better Homes and Gardens Baking, written by Better Homes and Gardens and published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 9781118453261, 528 pages. Typical price: USD29.99. YYYYY.
Editor: Jessica Saari Christensen
Photographers: Blaine Moats, Jason Donnelly, Kritsada
Publisher: Houghton Miffin Harcourt
Published: 10-8-2013
ISBN: 13-978-1-118-45326-1
Pages: 528
Genre: Food & Wine
Tags: Cooking, Family,
Overall Rating: Great
Reviewed For: NetGalley
Reviewer: DelAnne
You hear Better Homes And Gardens and know is going to be done well. Why would a Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook be any different. Better Homes and Gardens Baking: Everythi
Title: Better Homes And Gardens BakingEditor: Jessica Saari Christensen
Photographers: Blaine Moats, Jason Donnelly, Kritsada
Publisher: Houghton Miffin Harcourt
Published: 10-8-2013
ISBN: 13-978-1-118-45326-1
Pages: 528
Genre: Food & Wine
Tags: Cooking, Family,
Overall Rating: Great
Reviewed For: NetGalley
Reviewer: DelAnne
You hear Better Homes And Gardens and know is going to be done well. Why would a Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook be any different. Better Homes and Gardens Baking: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Like a Pro is just that. Besides the over four hundred recipes and beautiful photographs that have you drooling in anticipation, there are numerous techniques discussed and shown to give an amateur the ability to produce a product that can rival a professional's.
Now to discuss those over 400 recipes... Just from a picture I was drawn to make Sticky Pecan Upside-Down Baby Cakes. Let me tell you that these little cakes will be perfect for making uniform serving sizes, that is if you can manage to stop at just one. If that doesn't do it for you try the Make It Your Own Oatmeal Cookies. With a wide variety of optional ingredients you will soon have a new favorite. Discussions on mixing methods, utensils and pan forms, not to mention the results of using the different fat, sweeteners or dairy sources for the different needs of the varied recipes.
Better Homes and Gardens Baking: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Like a Pro is so much more than just a cookbook. Buy yourself a copy to keep hand when you want to bake and have everyone ask where on earth you purchased that pie, cake or tart. When they find out you made it yourself they will be asking you for your recipe. What you tell them is up to you.
There are hints throughout the book that apply to more than one recipe and fantastic illustrations and pi
Don't read this cookbook when you're hungry. It will result in raiding your baking cupboard in the desperate attempt to recreate one of these luscious recipes. The book is divided into chapters which start with the basics like cookie and brownies and move on to the very complex offerings that you might find in a coffee shop. The book is really an intense (and delicious) course in how to bake.There are hints throughout the book that apply to more than one recipe and fantastic illustrations and pictures. The directions don't stop at how to bake, but carry right through to how to put the finishing touches on that make your baking stand out. I baked two brownie recipes. The Chocolate Pecan Caramel Fudge Brownies and the Raspberry and White Chocolate Brownies. I brought these to a function and was sadly disappointed that I didn't get one single leftover.
The directions are clear and simple to follow. I didn't find as I do with some recipes that I'd somehow jumped a step and had to place fast and loose to get back on track. As always baking times are dependent on the actual heat of your oven and the actual volume of your baking dish, but I had no problems recognizing when the brownies were done. I would dearly love to have time to try out more recipes, but with a diabetic in the family baking and sweets are at a minimum. It would have been a great nod to modern reality to have a few diabetic friendly recipes or at least a section on how to convert to alternative sweeteners without sacrificing flavour.
Great cookbook and very interesting in that it takes the cook through all the steps to becoming an accomplished baker, exactly as the subtitle suggests.
The other chapters resolve mostly around different kinds of cakes, cookies and other baking products. The book usually entails traditional recipes, but also gives you ideas and alternatives to spice things up a bit - re-inventing traditional recipes, so to speak.
The measurements and ingredients are written neatly next to every recipe - as it should be to immediately start baking.
All in all an amazing cook book that should have a permanent place in every kitchen! ...more

They teach you how to do the basic techniques, then set you free to make your own decisions, and then give you some amazing recipes to follow- how can you go wrong? I wrote out all of the recipes I wanted to try thinking there would be 1-2 from each section... WRONG! I pretty much wrote out the entire book! The two recipes I tried were very good! Definitely recommend this book!

Better Homes and Gardens is one of the "Seven Sisters", a group of women's service magazines.
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Better Homes And Gardens Special Interest Publications Roasted
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