
Xbox Rumor Report: Elden Ring at E3 2022, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield, and "Project Dragon"

The Xbox rumor mill just keeps on turning and yous know what that means? Some other edition of the Xbox Rumor Report. Today, we'll be talking the latest on Elden Ring at E3, Forza Horizon 5 in Mexico, Starfield'due south release appointment and exclusivity, and a collaboration between IO Interactive and Xbox called "Project Dragon." Get those bags of salt ready, folks!

What is the Xbox Rumor Report?

With E3 inching closer and closer every day, the number of gaming rumors circulating on social media steadily multiplies. Information technology can honestly be pretty tough keeping upwardly with all the latest stories and speculation, only thankfully when it comes to Xbox rumblings, we've got you covered. We'll be breaking downwards some of the biggest potential leaks currently making the rounds and sharing my thoughts on how likely or unlikely they are. I'll also be sharing some additional details on the rumored collaboration between IO Interactive and Xbox. Now take my mitt as nosotros dive down the rabbit hole. Yous can check out our previous Xbox Rumor Report while yous're at it.

Elden Ring at E3 2022

Elden Ring Source: Bandai Namco

The offset rumor nosotros'll be discussing today comes by manner of an Elden Ring image "leak" from 4chan. Now before you say it, I know what y'all're thinking — eww, no. Why? And I'm right there with you, but despite the fact that I don't believe this particular image is legitimate, there are some interesting details included that take a legit possibility of being accurate.

A few nights ago an image with the Elden Ring logo and text that simply read "Worldwide Reveal – half-dozen.fourteen.21" exploded on Twitter, Reddit, and 4chan. Many speculated that this would be the date for the big Elden Ring gameplay reveal at E3. Equally a huge From Software fan, this would be some incredibly exciting news, but, coincidentally, this epitome but and so happened to pop upwardly the same mean solar day that Bandai Namco confirmed it would be attention E3 2022.

Elden Ring Image Leak Source: 4chan

With paradigm leaks being then piece of cake to fake and E3 dates existence like shooting fish in a barrel to predict, information technology's quite probable this graphic wasn't generated by any official channels. That beingness said, I'm all the same personally expecting the first Elden Ring gameplay reveal on an Xbox stage, and so this date might not exist likewise far off given Microsoft'southward usual E3 briefing schedule.

Information technology'southward likewise been brought to my attention that some Gamestop locations have recently received new Elden Ring promotional materials eerily similar to those shipped when the game was get-go revealed. While this isn't necessarily confirmation of anything, this could mayhap mean it's gearing upwardly for preorders following an upcoming gameplay reveal. Regardless of whether or non this particular rumor ends up being true, one thing's for sure: Elden Ring is real and we will exist seeing it sometime very shortly.

Forza Horizon five in Mexico

Forza Horizon 4 Source: Xbox Game Studios

Our next Xbox rumor involves the potential location of Forza Horizon 5. Last week, my cheeky teammate Jez Corden sent out a adequately inconspicuous tweet that read "I actually desire to visit Mexico some 24-hour interval." with a Mexican flag emoji and Car emoji. While many folks on Twitter just seemed by and large confused by Jez'due south travel interests, others like Jeff Grubb immediately jumped on the tease and added more than fuel to the speculation fire.

While I won't necessarily be confirming that Forza Horizon 5 is set in United mexican states, it'southward certainly sounding like there's a stiff possibility that Mexico and non Japan volition be the next location for the franchise. There'due south also a chance that fans will be able to get their hands on Forza Horizon 5 much sooner than they expected, with a potential reveal at E3 2022 and a potential launch in Fall 2022.

I think Mexico would be a fantastic setting for a Forza Horizon game. With a diverse collection of landscapes ranging from gorgeous beaches to ancient Mayan ruins, there's so much to explore here. I can already picture myself bombing down the shores of Cancun in my Warthog and getting some major air off the Pyramid of the Lord's day with my Baja Beetle. The more I think most it, the more I'thou ready to take that virtual trip to Mexico.

Starfield release appointment and Xbox exclusivity

Starfield Source: Bethesda

Since its reveal at E3 2022, fans have been hungry for more than details on Bethesda'southward highly-anticipated new IP Starfield. This excitement has led to a ravenous host of conversations surrounding its release date and exclusivity. The biggest questions amidst fans right at present are if Starfield be dropping in 2022 and will this be Bethesda's first big Xbox sectional. Some trusted members of the Xbox community seem to retrieve and so.

Allow'due south beginning with what we know. Toward the cease of Jan 2022, ZeniMax Media updated its trademark for Starfield, which was commencement filed dorsum in December of 2022 ahead of the E3 reveal. This trademark has consistently been updated over the class of the concluding several years, so while these changes theoretically don't mean much at all, many speculate that this implies a 2022 release engagement for Starfield is imminent.

In a rather compelling comparison, Mr. Matty Plays pointed out that Fallout 4, DOOM Eternal, and Dishonored 2 all had their proper release years listed in the same section as the 1 recently updated for Starfield. Additionally, we've heard from several other sources that discussions early on on this year were targeting a Fall 2022 release window. Obviously, COVID-19 keeps throwing a flake of a wrench into video game release date plans, but at that place'southward a legit possibility that this is the current schedule for Starfield.

But what about Xbox exclusivity? There are definitely some vocal members of the community confident that Starfield will only release on Xbox platforms. In a recent episode of Xbox 2, Rand al Thor 19 re-emphasized his belief in Starfield'southward Xbox exclusivity. Rand certainly isn't the only trusted member of the customs adamant in this idea, but unfortunately, I don't accept the information to confirm or deny this. However, with Xbox's focus on using Bethesda'southward catalog to leverage Xbox Game Pass growth, I think this is an incredibly likely scenario.

IO Interactive, Xbox, and "Projection Dragon"

Xbox And Io By Klobrille Source: @Klobrille on Twitter

In our final episode of the Xbox Rumor Report, nosotros discussed that Xbox was potentially partnering with four AAA third-party studios to develop and prototype Xbox exclusives nether the Xbox Game Studios Publishing banner. Outside of the cyclone tease though, nosotros didn't really drib much in the style of specifics. All the same, some newly uncovered information points to a possible collaboration betwixt IO Interactive, Xbox, and Dragons?

In a recent interview with, IO Interactive CEO Hakan Abrak shared some exciting details virtually the future plans for this developer and confirmed that outside of the 007 Project, a separate team is busy working on a new "love child" IP with veteran staff.

Hitman 3 Agent Source: IO Interactive

When I was on Game On Daily Live a few weeks agone, I mentioned that one these potential AAA third-party Xbox partnerships was something that many wouldn't expect from this item developer. Before this, the master of teases Jez Corden began talking quite a fleck about dragons on Twitter and when asked nigh these partnerships on terminal week's episode of Xbox Ii he told folks to "go on an centre on IO Interactive."

So what exactly does all this hateful for IO Interactive's unannounced new IP? Well, from the information we've received well-nigh this title, it sounds like the team volition be ditching Agent 47 and his modern gadgets for a more fantastical setting. Information technology's worth reiterating that "Project Dragon" is rumored to be in the very early on stages of protoyping and is probable several years away. As we mentioned in our last Xbox Rumor Report, it'south not uncommon for games in this phase to be completely retooled or even scrapped as evolution progresses. Then, while we accept good data on what this title could potentially be and that Microsoft could be the ones to publish it, information technology'southward still very of import to go on expectations in bank check.

Share your thoughts!

What are your thoughts on the latest Xbox rumors? Do you recall we'll see Elden Ring on the Xbox stage at E3? Or do you recall Starfield will exist dropping as an Xbox exclusive this year? Let us know in the comment department below!

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